
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Have a good day...

Throughout the day
Worry and concern are my bed fellows
over you who's constantly on my mind;
How are you doing?
How is your day?
More importantly..
How will you come back to me
when the day is done?..

It breaks me
When in tears you drench me
as you lie in wait for dawn-
and I can do nothing
to ease the pain!
Would you tell me...
'Who messed up your day?
What spoiled your lovely mood?'
Just let all that go
and rest easy on me coz
you are not alone,
I wont ever leave you;
till I get a glow out that frown!

It warms me,
It makes me all puffy and fluffy
when you close your eyes to sleep
with your radiant smile on your face.
These are the nights I cherish
When you embrace me
with the whole of you-
tightly close to you
like you never want to let me go!
Well,..neither do or will I!!

So as you go on with your day,
Know that you are missed,
Your safety and well-being
is a fixture on my mind...
and no matter how your day turns out,
I'll be waiting for you..
to drench myself as I wipe
your tears away when it's a bad day
or make myself fluffy
as you wrap your arms around me
snugly and cuddly,
all night long as you,
with a smile,sleep beautifully.

Have a lovely day,
See you at night...

Yours Only,

Fluffy Pillow!


  1. I Like the overall concept. Beautiful piece...

  2. Amazing amazing read. Wow. I love my pillow much :)

  3. awesome dearie,now i want a pillow,puffy, fluffy lol and i got so much to do,need to FOCUS :@ disorientation galore
